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Lifepak Nano

Longevity - live healthier longer

The average person is living 31 years longer than we did 100 years ago but are we living healthier in those years?

When we are young, our bodies repair as quickly as they break down, and as we age our DNA remains the same, but the genes (think software) become corrupt and slow down the repair process. This is oversimplified but essentially the ageing process.

So what if you could turn the genes back on to repair again?

Over US$1 billion dollars and over 75 scientists developed a proprietary patented technology called ageLOC®. From this scientific breakthrough comes the world's most advanced anti-ageing supplement - ageLOC® Y-Span®. The scientists that developed this revolutionary natural supplement formula have published more than 300 papers in scientific journals and been featured on a one-hour Discovery Channel documentary, DNA – The Next Wave.

This documentary discussed the new science of epigenetics. Scientists used to believe that our genes were pre-set until Swedish scientists asked the question, “What about identical twins?” You see, identical twins share exactly the same DNA, and while they may look identical at birth and whilst they are young, as they age their genes will often behave differently causing them to have differences between them.  For example, perhaps one twin needs prescription glasses while the other has 20/20 vision, or one has more grey hair than the other. One twin may develop a serious health challenge while the other is 100 percent healthy. Their genes are the same but behave or express themselves differently based on the nutrients each twin eats, their personal lifestyle and the environment they are in. This is the science of epigenetics.

In January 2010, a Time magazine front cover headlined “Why your DNA isn’t your destiny – the new science of epigenetics”. It seems that our longevity can be influenced more by what we eat and think than first thought.

ageLOC® Y-Span® is the first and only supplement in the world to be formulated with natural and plant-based ingredients that affect 2,000 genes in your DNA that control repair.

ageLOC® Y-Span® appears in the PDR (Physicians’ Desk Reference) with the following benefits:

Cellular Health

✔  Reinforces the body’s protection and repair mechanisms at the cellular level

✔  Helps balance healthy cellular response. Disruption of cellular response can spark a cascade of other ageing effects

✔  Positively modulates systemic cytokine responses

✔  Supports cellular DNA damage protection/repair

✔  Provides cellular antioxidant protection

Brain Health

✔  Supports healthy brain structure and function

✔  Promotes cognition and memory

✔  Promotes a sense of well-being and a healthy mood

Heart Health

✔  Sustains overall cardiovascular health

✔  Promotes blood vessel integrity/elasticity essential for healthy blood circulation

✔  Supports normal blood glucose control

✔  Supports healthy blood pressure regulation

Metabolic Health

✔  Supports healthy lipid metabolism

✔  Supports normal glucose metabolism

Skin Health

✔  Promotes optimal skin barrier function and protection

✔  Maintains optimal skin health

Bone Health

✔  Boosts bone health and supports bone structure and integrity

Joint Health

✔  Supports healthy joints and promotes healthy joint fluidity

Eye Health

✔  Provides ingredients important for healthy eye composition and protection

✔  Promotes eye health and supports healthy vision

Physical Performance

✔  Enables optimal physical performance

Immune Health

✔  Promotes healthy immune function and response

✔  Supports a healthy immune system

ageLOC® Y-Span® is designed for adult men and women to promote their youth span - the years you can enjoy life being active, energetic, and healthy. No one wants to look or feel old. Even as we age, we all want our bodies and minds to continue feeling youthful and healthy. The key is to give the body what it needs so it can continue to do what it is designed to do: Live Young.

Additionally, you could add LifePak® which is ranked one of if not the best anti-ageing supplements in the world. LifePak® supports a good diet by giving you the equivalent nutrients of 15 servings of fruit and vegetables in a convenient dose. The average person is living 31 years longer than we did 100 years ago but are we living healthier in these years?

Mother nature provides all of the key elements in foods. Unfortunately most of do not eat 8 - 12 servings of fruit and vegetables each day to get the nutrients we need to help our bodies repair. Combined with most people not eating enough of the right types of foods we have another challenge in the way our food is grown and reaches your kitchen table. Genetic modification, pesticides, herbicides, green picking and nutrient deficient soil means that what the foods we are buying in our supermarkets have far less nutritional value than 50 years ago.


LifePak® supports 8 areas of health:

Bone health: Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese and Calcium contribute to the maintenance of normal bones. • Vitamin C contributes to the normal collagen formation for the normal function of bones.

Immune system support: Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, B12, Vitamin C and Vitamin D contribute to the normal function of the immune system.

Metabolism: Vitamin B3, B5, B6, B12, Vitamin C, Biotin and Magnesium contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism. • Zinc contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism, to normal macronutrient metabolism, to normal metabolism of fatty acids and to normal metabolism of Vitamin A. • Molybdenum contributes to normal sulphur amino acid metabolism. • Chromium and Biotin contribute to normal macronutrient metabolism. • Vitamin A and B2 contribute to normal iron metabolism. • Vitamin B5 contributes to normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, Vitamin D and neurotransmitters. • Vitamin B6 contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism, and to normal protein and glycogen metabolism. • Vitamin B9 and B12 contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism. • Onion extract helps to maintain healthy blood lipids and glucose levels.

Cardiovascular support: Calcium and Vitamin K1 contribute to normal blood clotting. • Chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels. • Vitamin B1 contributes to the normal function of the heart. • Vitamin B2 contributes to the maintenance of normal red blood cells. • Vitamin B6 and B12 contribute to normal red blood cell formation. • Vitamin B9 contributes to normal blood formation. • Grape (seed) contributes to a healthy blood pressure.

Antioxidant defence network: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Copper and Zinc contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. • LifePak® also contains carotenoids (Lutein, Lycopene, Beta-carotene and Zeaxanthin) and flavonoids (Grape seed extract and Onion extract).

Cognitive function: Zinc and Iodine contribute to normal cognitive function. • Vitamin B5 contributes to normal mental performance.

Skin health: Zinc, Iodine, Biotin, Vitamin A, Vitamins B3 and B8 contribute to the maintenance of normal skin. • Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of the skin. • Grape (seed) helps improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Thyroid function: Selenium contributes to the normal thyroid function. • Iodine contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function.

Vision: Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 and Zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal vision.

Did you know?

You would need to drink between 100 to 400 bottles of red wine a day to get the same levels of resveratrol, one of the most powerful anti-ageing ingredients known, to get the equivalent of what is in one daily dose of ageLOC® Y-Span®.