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Reduce fat and build muscle  

You have indicated that you have a concern about your weight or body shape.

However, it’s not weight or body shape that should be the main concern for you. The bottom line is that being overweight increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

For some, you may have maintained a certain level of additional weight for quite a while now and just can’t shift (say, the belly fat) no matter what you do. For others, it may be you have a wardrobe of various clothes sizes as you fluctuate up and down depending on your current weight.

We all KNOW how to eat right, but where we fall down is in the actual DOING. And again, our busy lifestyles can be the biggest part of the blame. So then we resort to fad diets so we can get a quick, and sometimes easy, fix while hoping for the day when they design that one pill that will shred it all off instantly!

Unfortunately, there are many fad diets that create more problems than just the long-term weight loss you want to achieve. A high portion of these diets put your metabolism into a cycle of starvation, weight loss, slowed metabolism, and then weight gain.

These are referred to as ‘yo-yo’ diets. Oprah is, unfortunately, a perfect example of this. All her life she has battled with her weight, and at times she has reached her ideal, however, this follows with her not only gaining weight back on but usually more than when she started. A typical yo-yo.

The Yo-Yo cycle explained:

First of all, when you start one of these fad diets you generally reduce your food intake. You starve your body of much-needed fuel, and while you do lose weight, you, unfortunately, are also reducing/stripping away your muscle content.

Yo-Yo down

Once you’ve reached your target weight, you then, of course, return pretty much to your previous food habits, as you can’t continue the low calorie, starvation diet you have been on, so you begin eating normally again. The challenge is your body has lost muscle mass and has been in survival mode. As far as your body knows, you were literally in the middle of a famine. So in order to protect yourself from future “famines,” your cells begin storing fat faster than ever so your body can survive.

Yo-Yo Up

A few months go by, and it’s as if overnight you have gained back the weight you have lost but also perhaps a dress or belt size larger than before you began your original diet program. This is because fat is of greater mass than muscle. Frustrated, you repeat the process by trying another diet, and the yo-yo cycle begins again until you become two to three sizes bigger. By now not only have you failed to reduce your weight for long-term health, but you are also frustrated and your self-esteem is at an all-time low.

So let’s get you on track to a healthy long-term weight-loss lifestyle program. I recommend ageLOC® TR90 (Transform in 90 Days), a revolutionary weight management system complete with menus and an online app that gives you long-term results as opposed to a Yo-Yo diet.

Over a hundred scientists identified the genes that store fat and the genes that build muscle. Using natural plant-based ingredients, these scientists were able to create a formula that turns OFF the genes that store fat and turn ON the genes that build muscle. ageLOC® TR90, coupled with exercise, is one of the safest and most effective programs in the world. The only thing I will say is most people find it hard to eat as much as they ask you to eat. This is not a starvation diet at all.

ageLOC® TR90 is listed in the PDR (Physicians’ Desk Reference).

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TR90 Tracker

Did you know?

The global obesity epidemic continues, and a new report shows that about two billion people worldwide are overweight or obese. That’s about 30 percent of the world’s population.
The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that about a third of the global population—adults and children—exceed a healthy weight. About 10 percent of people in the world are obese, according to the findings. Studies have linked excessive weight and obesity to a higher risk for health complications like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, respiratory problems, major cancers, and more.